Some systemic conditions of university permanence in Córdoba-Argentina.
Systemic conditions. University graduation. Delay in studiesAbstract
This article aims to provide an account of some of the systemic conditions that make it possible for those who are delayed in their studies to remain in the university system, in Córdoba and in Argentina. To this end, the effects of the long-awaited democratisation of university education in the last 25 years are addressed through the indicators of enrolment expansion, national and provincial, graduation, number of universities, teaching positions and dedications, relationship between the mother's educational level and choice of university (public or private), access and graduation by family income per capita and the social space resulting from the inequalities between undergraduate and graduate degrees in Cordoba. The expansion in enrolment had unexpected effects, among them, the growth in the volume of new enrolments and re-enrolments, which has been dizzyingly higher than the number of graduates. In previous publications we have identified the strategies of permanence at this level and characterised them as persistence and substitution strategies. On this occasion, we show some of the conditions associated with substitution strategies, which make it possible to articulate the degrees offered by national universities with those offered by private universities. The results of this work show some dynamics in the university system, highlighting the changes in the composition of enrolment and in the number and type of degrees offered by the state and the private sector, which makes possible the strategies of permanence at the level, especially those of substitution.
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